Mere Being 013 - May - Allergies, Onboarding, Finance, Avocados
A little bit of day job day dreaming, history's greatest system for comparing movies, weirdos who actually read the source code, and a good way to eat avocados.
I write about: Programming, writing, running businesses, and how to make things that are actually good.
A little bit of day job day dreaming, history's greatest system for comparing movies, weirdos who actually read the source code, and a good way to eat avocados.
Normal software work is so much about changing the system. Add capabilities. Change behavior. Imagine what could be or should be. Understanding what is – always a byproduct or a precondition of change.
Three book recommendations for thinking about getting meaning from work
I'm not the only person writing about Pivotal. Plus, an old way to play Magic, and some notes on the Sopranos.
Basically, it's this: I don't have to think as much about where to put a piece of behavior. If I'm wrong about where it ought to go? I just move it. I don't have to change what language it's in or update a client or write new tests or any of that.