Pairing Course Launch
Andrew Edstrom and I have just released a video course on Gumroad, Intro to Pairing.

I'm back, and I bring digital products! Andrew Edstrom and I have just released a video course on Gumroad, Intro to Pairing.
Here's your standard requisite buy button.
It's aimed primarily at folks joining existing pairing shops, and those of you who are onboarding engineers into pairing cultures. It's basically an hour of all the stuff I wish someone had told me when I first started pairing. What to expect, what it should feel like when both pairs are engaged, and what to do when things are going wrong. There should be something there for those of you who are more experienced with pairing, too.
Here are a couple of clips to give you an idea of what to expect.
If you like that, you can get more buy buying the whole course on Gumroad.