Six key skills for pair programming
This article describes the key skills required to be a good pair, a pair who is productive and rewarding to pair with for most people.
Some have called them a software engineer. They've worked on Cloud Foundry and a few other large systems. They're also a writer, photographer, and speaker.
This article describes the key skills required to be a good pair, a pair who is productive and rewarding to pair with for most people.
There is no god of engineering career ladders, handing down tablets to chosen prophets.
It's a tiny sketch of a photobook, using the simplest possible criteria for inclusion – the first 16 pictures I made with a DSLR that don't rely on color for their effect – but it's incredibly satisfying to have shipped something.
This system works because friendship is a process that happens a little bit at a time, and then all at once. Friends are, on some level, two people who have grown used to one another.
Everything is made up, and the points don't matter